Quibim enters Swiss clinical routine with Provicon

Tags: Partnership


We proudly announce our partnership with Provicon, a Swiss distributor of post-processing solutions, medical carts, and e-healthcare tools. With the deal, Quibim will for the first time present its solutions in Switzerland, opening a new era of opportunities for its whole-body approach in the heart of Europe and confirming how the global demand for AI solutions is growing.

According to Andreas Kroh, founder, and CEO of Provicon, the demand for AI solutions is highly growing in the Helvetic Republic. Hence, it is a great time for the agreement opportunity to take place and for Quibim to implement its services in the region. ‘In Switzerland, the number of hospitals is decreasing, especially because hospital operations are moving towards merging or centralization to improve their services and to be economically more efficient,’ he said. ‘There are clear benefits for a solution like Quibim in terms of improving workflows and increasing the number of imaging examinations. Quibim will help Swiss radiologists and physicians to get more acquisitions done in limited time.’

Swiss clinicians will now be able to apply Quibim Precision®, our whole-body ecosystem of suites, to assist in the diagnosis and classification of diseases as early and accurately as possible.

Tackling neurodegenerative diseases

One area of services that will support clinicians is neurological disorders, as this burden is expected to grow among the Swiss ageing population.

Parkinson’s disease, which progressively destroys certain types of brain neurons, now affects 15,000 people in Switzerland and is the second-most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s. (1)

Today 146,500 people suffer from dementia in Switzerland, with 31,375 new cases diagnosed each year – 1 person every 17 minutes, according to Alzheimer Schweiz, which predicts that 315,400 people could develop dementia by 2050. (2)

In Switzerland, there are 281 operational hospitals. General care hospitals account for 37% of the total, while specialized hospitals and birthing facilities account for 63%. These numbers have been decreasing recently because of the merging of the hospitals and hence there’s a 32% of the hospitals distributed in different locations. There are now around 100 hospitals that could benefit from Quibim’s range of products that target neurodegenerative diseases at large. (3)

Our White Matter Lesion tool provides clinicians with quantified measurements of the hyperintensities in the brain which assists them in diagnosing and monitoring patients with multiple sclerosis.

Our Brain Volumetry screening tool can support the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with focal epilepsy, mild cognitive impairment, and frontotemporal dementia. Our motor cortex atrophy report supports detecting and following Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a neurodegenerative pathology that causes movement disorders. Our brain tools also support migraine, stroke, psychiatric disorders, traumatic brain injury, and schizophrenia.

Unlimited potential

Beyond the brain, it’s definitely Quibim’s broad scope of products that generated Provicon’s interest.‘I like the whole-body approach, which means unlimited potential for deployment in clinical practice,’ Andreas said. With Quibim Precision®, clinicians can assess every part of the body and in different clinical scenarios, from disease detection to monitoring the efficacy of new treatments.

QP-Prostate®, Quibim’s AI solution for prostate MRI analysis that supports increased accuracy of PI-RADS scoring with objective quantitative imaging tools, could also help Swiss radiologists, urologists and oncologists detect and report anomalies in the prostate. (4)

‘We have this additional information that we get with AI, and I think it will help decisions to be made earlier in a wide variety of settings,’ Andreas said.

‘With Provicon we have found a trusted and knowledgeable partner for Switzerland. Our whole-body approach is unique but requires a broad knowledge of diseases and an understanding of the different medical specialties. Provicon, with Andreas Kroh as CEO, has great experience in software solutions and is well-known in the Swiss medical community. We couldn’t have hoped for a better partner.’ said Peter Segers, our Chief Commercial Officer.



  1. Parkinson Schweiz. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.parkinson.ch/
  2. Les démences en Suisse. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.alzheimer-schweiz.ch/fr/les-demences/article/les-demences-en-suiss
  3. Retrieved from https://quibim.com/biomarkers/
  4. Retrieved from https://qp-prostate.quibim.com

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