Our Platform

One platform, one methodology, one solution

Hospitals, real-world evidence specialists, and biopharma companies are sitting on top of science’s most critical resource – validated data – a vast amount of information generated through years of activity and clinical studies. By partnering with us, they can extract valuable unseen insights from available imaging data and their clinical and genomic information.

QP-Discovery® is a one-stop-shop platform that handles, indexes, stores, and processes multi-omics data with imaging at its foundation.

The infrastructure harmonizes imaging data, generating a standardized image quality that minimizes variability in image quality across equipment manufacturers.

QP-Link® is the bridge between local PACS and Quibim cloud. It de-identifies medical images – removing patient dentifiable data- and shares them with Quibim’s analysis tools. After completing the analysis, QP-Link® sends the results back to the hospital information system without human interaction, allowing a fully automated workflow.

Automated workflow

Our all-in-one solution provides data privacy, a safe and continuously available platform, and ensures safe communication back and forth between your institution and the Quibim cloud.
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AI-driven medical technology for data management and processing

As value-based care models evolve, there is a greater need to provide the right treatment for the right patient at the right time. We design end-to-end solutions working with different healthcare partners to analyze and extract new insights from multi-modality images by linking electronic health records and patient outcomes with imaging biomarkers.

The assets provided improve patient stratification and generate clinical endpoints.

  • 0 +
    sites working with Quibim platforms worldwide
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    de-identified cancer patients registry
  • 0 M+
    de-identified research imaging data
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    publications in high impact factor journals
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    top-10 pharma companies working with us
  • 0 +
    active clinical studies


QP-Discovery® is a comprehensive single-view platform that handles, indexes, stores, and processes multi-omics data with imaging at its foundation.

The hybrid infrastructure has centralized and federated components and harmonizes imaging data, generating a standardized image quality that minimizes variability in image quality across equipment manufacturers.

  • E-forms interoperability

    The platform incorporates clinical and multi-omics data capture functionalities and interoperability with other eCRF platforms used in clinical studies.

  • Zero footprint DICOM viewer

    The place for the annotation of medical images in clinical studies, including automated organ and lesion segmentation algorithms to streamline the annotation and reading process.

  • DataMiner

    With our visual analytics techniques, you can explore and export results on patient cohorts ​and do preliminary statistical analyses and studies of patient populations by applying clustering techniques based on all the imaging and multi-omics data being used​.



QP-Link® is the bridge between local PACS and Quibim cloud. It de-identifies medical images removing patient identifiable data and sends them to Quibim’s analysis tools. After the analysis is completed, QP-Link® sends the results back to the hospital information system without human interaction, allowing a fully automated workflow.

  • What is it used for?

    QP-Link® facilitates an automatic workflow without human interaction. It is possible to install multiple QP-Links®. For example, you can install a separate QP-Link® for each hospital department and configure which studies to send for analysis.


  • Why is it necessary to use it?

    The main purpose of QP-Link® is to access the images, and it helps establish a safe road for data transfer between the hospital PACS and the Quibim Cloud.  QP-Link® is also required to anonymize studies on-premise before sending them to the cloud.

  • For whom is it intended?

    QP-Link® can be downloaded from our webpage and installed by the hospital IT administrator. This means no manual uploading and downloading of studies or analysis results is required. QP-Link® assists the radiologist by automatically sending and retrieving studies for analysis, matching perfectly with their workflow.

  • Why is it better than the on-premise analysis?

    When analyses are performed on-premise, it would require a large capacity to process images and store results in the hospital infrastructure. With our cloud solution, you do not require expensive hardware components and the computational resources adapt dynamically to your needs.   The AI algorithms can be updated automatically and simultaneously for all users.

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